I so would like to blog every day, but it just doesn't seem to happen....
The semester is almost over. That is amazing because it means that I am 1/4 of the way finished with nursing school. Bad because I only have a few weeks to make sure my grades are up to par.
Married life is phenomenal. Clay is my best friend. We get each other. Really, really get each other, like nobody else can.

Admitedly I have the baby fever. Instead of eyeing Jimmy Choo's, I eye Pottery Barn baby furniture. Clay says he thinks we will have at least one baby before I graduate.....
Church has been a real blessing lately. We have been going to the Young Married/Parents of Pre-Schoolers Sunday School class, and I have been going to a women's class on Wednesdays called Keepers of the Home. LOVE<>
Another blessing lately has been Mitzi. She teaches my Keepers of the Home class, and I think she is great! I babysat for her one day last week, and got to know her a little better too. She is a really great godly wife and mother, and a great example for a newlywed such as myself.
Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn is my lab partner, and so much more, She is the reason I haven't given up on school this semester. She reminds me of what I need t do, and helps me every step of the way. She even made me promise her that if I get pregnant that I won't drop out and leave her alone. How is that for accountability!?!
Life is rockin lately. Sorry for the lack of pics in my post. I will try and do better. Promise:)