I feel so lucky to have Clay. He is that guy for me.
When I'm scared or worried about something, he reminds me to pray.
He is quiet a lot, but one look in his eyes shows me what he's not saying.
When I cry myself to sleep, he holds me and he prays with me.
He takes care of me, and he makes me take care of myself when thats what I need to do.
He is patient with me, even when I don't deserve it.
He tells me what I need to hear, when I need to hear it.
He guides me in the right direction.
He hopes with me.
He dreams with me.
He tells me about our babies.
He loves me all the time, even when I'm gripey, when I'm pms-ey, and when I'm cry-ey.
He looks at me like I'm something special.
He kisses me goodbye even when he's running late for work.
He appreciates me.... and I appreciate him too.
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