Thursday, May 7, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

I haven't written a blog in several months. Lots of reasons that I don't care to go in to. I don't know if I'm ready to share the daily details of my life with everyone, or if anyone even cares. It's not supposed to be about other people though it's supposed to be therapeutic writing.

I've honestly been struggling lately in many aspects of my life. It feels like my past and my future have been at war with one another so much so that I haven't been living in the now. I've been thinking about my past often lately, the good and the bad, the people, the mistakes, the hurts, the loves. There have been some re-occurring characters in the story of my life. What would I change? You know the saying, "Everything happens for a reason", it's kinda true.

I had a crush on Kyle...---I agreed to be home-schooled just so I could see him every day...---I ended up gaining my first best friend, Joshua.

My first love, Derrick...--- Went to college at NSU to be close to him...--- Suffered my first broken heart...--- Survived due to the great friends I had made while living there! (Brooke, Beth, Leslie Kay, Sarah)

Dated an older man, Jeremy....--- Breakupw/ him led to reunion with 1st love...---Disagreement led to breakup with best friend, Brooke--- Got my heart broken, again...--- Learned that it wasn't meant to be, and grew up.

Moved to OKC to go to grad school,--- was all alone, sad, didn't know anyone---Met my HUSBAND! And reunited with Brooke.

I wouldn't have gotten any of the end results without the hurts that came along the way. I wouldn't change any of the hurts, or the people that caused them. They molded me into who I am today.

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